You are now five months old and as I do each month, I look back at the previous month and ponder where you were and where you are now…
As I think back on your time as a 4 month old, I think of a happy baby… You and your smiley self make every day a joy. You seem to be happy, or at least content, most of the time, unless you are tired or hungry. Well, or bored. But that is overcome easily by me holding your or moving you to do something else. You’re starting to take an interest in toys and are working on your hand/eye/mouth coordination. Everything you get a hold of, be it my hair, a toy or a burp rag, goes to your mouth (or tries to). Of course this makes me wonder if you’re teething, because you slobber a lot too, but really I think it is just part of being a baby.
You have several different “full of personality” smiles… one is with your WHOLE body… huge smile, arms go up, legs kick and you kind of roll. Then there is the bashful smile, where you smile then look away or burry your face into my neck if I’m holding you. Then there is the smile you give me when I catch you staring at me from across the room… like, ‘Yeah, she finally sees me!’ And the 'I’m so Satisfied’ smile you give after you’ve nursed. And the ‘smile with just your eyes’ because your pacie is in your mouth. Any smile you give though, it is always adorable and gets a reaction out of anyone who is looking. You’re still trying to laugh, and though it usually comes out as a happy yell, we’ll take what we can get. Its the effort that counts (and makes my heart jump for joy!).
You figured out how to roll over this month, too, from back to front. It took you awhile to actually like doing this though, and you still only put up with the tummy time you get yourself into, for a few minutes. You just seem to not be able to help rolling over. I can’t even get a picture of your rolling because you do it so fast… the instant I lay you down, over you go. It’s kind of funny how instantly you get upset about your new position… once you figure out rolling from tummy to back, I think you’ll be a much happier guy when on the floor.
I started giving you some mixed wheat cereal this month because you REALLY seemed interested in my food at dinner. When sitting on my lap you watched each and every bite go from plate to my mouth, while smacking your lips, flapping your arms, and shrieking when it went past you and into my mouth… You took to eating with a spoon very easily, but got a bit “backed up”, so I’ve since stopped that big boy meal, and we’ll try again once you get more ‘regular.’
So, as for sleep, you fluctuate with how long you’ll go, but it is not uncommon for you to wake every 2-3 hours at night. You still go back to sleep easily once I feed you, but I remember this routine with Cooper and by 9months, it wasn’t pretty. Dr. Clarke said I can try letting you ‘cry’ now that you’re 5 months, but I just can’t see myself putting either of us through that yet. Don’t let it deter you from sleeping, but I actually enjoy our nighttime snuggles...
2 more things… you seem to always want me in your sights (separation anxiety??), and you have some AWESOME spiky, fine, very blonde hair, and the biggest, bluest Pound Puppy eyes ever... they melt me from the inside out…
Oh, and don’t tell your brothers this, but I just don’t remember being so captivated by them at this age… you’ve run away with my heart, little man, and that is just fine by me.
Love you, Tato…
Seeing Kaden's photos and reading about his growth make his first 18 days of life just a faint memory. How far he's come from such a tiny, little guy with so many tubes and wires just needing time to grow and learning how to nurse. What a treasure, then and now!
Grammie loves you, little Kadey-Kade
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