This is nothing new to me, as sleep was never a strong area for either Gage nor Cooper as infants. I had to finally let both of them 'cry-it-out' because they both began waking every hour and crying for before they'd finally go back to sleep.
Anyway, we're not to that point with KadeyKade... his pediatrician said to give him another month. He expects that by then Kaden will be 14 pounds and will sleep in longer stretches.
I must have woke each time last night during the wrong part of my sleep cycle because I was at that 'so-tired-I'm-dizzy-and-naucious-and-really-shouldn't-be-holding-a-baby" stage. So I brought him into our bed to nurse and cuddle at 4:15am. I don't prefer to do this, as I still don't sleep well, waking to his every little grunt and squirm, but at least I know I don't have to treck back upstairs until G&C need me.
And besides, its like there is a little ray of sunshine, shining on my face when I wake up to this...
That ray-of-sunshine is clouding up right now... crying for his mama. And I hear Mr. C in the bathroom... please don't let there be pee on the floor...
I'm off!
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