
I am a God-loving, husband-adoring, mybabyboys-hugging, mind-reeling, photo-taking, life-documenting, yummyfood-cooking, garden-planting, country-living girl. Writing about life, with boys, in the sticks...
this is life... with boys... in the country...
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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Where the Wild Things Are…

Sometimes, they chose to dress their part…

Gage usually thinks he’s in-charge = lion.

Cooper is crazy = monkey.

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And Kaden is pulling-up the rear of the caravan of animals and is slowly starting to commando crawl = turtle.


I love it when they find creative ways to entertain themselves…

In other news, but most definitely related to my wild ones shown above, I’ve had this on my mind a lot lately:  BOY CRAZY: FINDING CLARITY IN THE CHAOS.  It is the title to a blog my Great-Auntie Shirley introduced me to… the creator of the blog opens it this way… “Welcome to BOY CRAZY the blog, where I do my best to find clarity amidst the chaos. I'm a realistic optimist who relies on raw honesty and plenty of humor to navigate the boystorm that is my life. I am mother to three and wife to one. These are my stories.” 

I feel like she is describing me! I’ve come to really enjoy her blog and her writing is phenomenal. 

Anyway, lately it has become clear to me that I do not have a clear head and am struggling to find that clarity in the chaos.  Chaos, noise, activity is constant in our house.  G&C’s noise brings on Kaden’s noise.  I’m constantly stepping over or around a child or a child’s thing (toy, clothes, books, etc) and spending most of my time picking up said things… I live minute by minute – doing a task for one minute before I’m pulled to another task.  Occasionally (like right now) I ignore my responsibilities.  I escape into my scrapbook room or outside to clip a flower.  But again, only for a minute before I hear crying or fighting or someone calling my name (or sometimes worse… I hear nothing, which is usually a bad sign, too). 

I can’t hold a productive thought very well and feel like 100% is rarely given to anything.

But I’m realizing that I bring this onto myself.  I find that I’m constantly trying to think about other things and do too many things at once.  My head will be spinning about cleaning, getting something for the boys, what to make for lunch, that I need to email someone back, and about some interesting photography –thing I’d read about… that I can’t even hear what G or C is actually saying to me.  Sad.

I need to remind myself that caring for and interacting with my kids is my number-one responsibility during the day.  Caring for the house is second and doing anything for myself is last.  This is harder for me than it probably should be. 

That being said… duty calls.  Just because the boys are playing nicely by themselves, doesn’t give me permission to whole up in my scrapbook room and enjoy quiet time.  So, off to be “Mama”… “Lacey” has to wait. 


Dianne said...

You've got four VERY lucky boys in your home...I know one of them knows just how lucky he is! Remember to take time to fill Lacey's cup up, because you can't give from an empty one. The balance thing is so hard sometimes, but that's how all life is. Finding that balance whether it's food, drink, money, time, etc. Thankfully, God speaks to our hearts and guides us in the perfect way.

Love you!
Auntie Dianne

lacey said...

Thank you... I need to remind myself of this often!

Mom said...

Hard to believe it now, but you'll look back on these wild & crazy years as some of the best of your life. I know that I treasure the years that B,B, & "L" were G,C,& K's ages. Full, yet so dear.

Love you too,

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