A lot has been going on in Kaden’s life over the past month – learning to sit, to stand, to maneuver from his tummy to the sitting position, teething, feeding himself, commando crawling and now the beginnings of real crawling…
He’s even currently experiencing his first cold. joy.
Which, he doesn’t seem too bothered by – he actually seems to rather enjoy the licking of the snot from his upper lip…
With hitting all these expected milestones, I’m trying not to overlook the traits he’s acquiring that are unique to him.
Like the yell he will inevitably let out as soon as his Daddy walks into the room. Or the way he always rests his head back in his high-chair and peeks at me out of the corner of his eye when he’s all done eating. Or how when he gets really frustrated he will scrunch up his nose and openandcloseopenandclose his mouth while squeezing his eyes shut. And of course, how he prefers to have his tongue sticking out.
And then it is almost even more endearing to notice the traits that are rising to the surface that are SO Meyers-boy.
Like when I realized today that he sits in his highchair with his little ankles crossed, JUST like his big brothers did.
… down to the tightly curled toes. No doubt, I will look at this picture in a few years and have no clue which boy of mine it is…
LOVE the ankle shot! My kiddos all did that too. The composition of the photo is perfect too! Love it!
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