
I am a God-loving, husband-adoring, mybabyboys-hugging, mind-reeling, photo-taking, life-documenting, yummyfood-cooking, garden-planting, country-living girl. Writing about life, with boys, in the sticks...
this is life... with boys... in the country...
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Monday, December 27, 2010

I’ve Moved!


That’s my new address.  :) 

Honestly, moving is hard for me even if it is just to a new blog and address.  I was born in the house that I lived in until I moved away to college.  I went to one college for 3.5 years, then got married and moved to the property I now live on.  And I have no doubt that Matt and I will grow very old in the house we built here together.  Only 3 moves in nearly 30 years.  I’m not a mover – I like to settle in my roots and grow like crazy from that comfy, familiar spot.

So, to only have been at my blogspot.com address for about 8 months and to already be moving… goofy as it may seem, its hard for me! 

Mostly because I’m sentimental, though. Life With Country Boys was the little bridge that connected me and you.  It got me hooked on blogging and opened my eyes to the hilarity that is my boys… and my life. 

But, Blogspot has its limitations and as I officially launch my photography business I believe it is important for me to own (or at least rent) my own space on the World Wide Web.  Doing so will HOPEFULLY make Google my friend and marketing agent, and bring new mamas and their newborns my way.  My new blog is the store-front for my business and is a blog-site, where all of my business information will be held, such as session details and pricing, as well as my portfolio and client proofing. There might be a few more business posts … like, about print and press products and new props I’ve purchased, but for the most part, nothing is changing. 

Plus, I was tired of my titles not being properly punctuated!  See, the apostrophe is missing up there! Grr!

I’ll STILL be posting about my country boys and thank the Lord, I was able to transfer all 203 posts over to my new address.  So, its all there.  I would have wept and not been nearly as joyful about this move had that transfer not been successful.  Goofy, I tell ya!  Anyway, the content will be the same, because that is what makes it mine and entertains you.   

Plus, my new blog is prettier and feels good. Posting there makes me feel like such a big girl. 

I hope you’ll come with me and let me know what you think of the new place.  Point out quirky things and help me decide which gallery option is better for my portfolio.  :) 

Okay, I’m heading over there to talk to you (or rather, show you) about my Christmas… let’s go! 



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