
I am a God-loving, husband-adoring, mybabyboys-hugging, mind-reeling, photo-taking, life-documenting, yummyfood-cooking, garden-planting, country-living girl. Writing about life, with boys, in the sticks...
this is life... with boys... in the country...
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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I Think I’m Hooked…

A few weeks ago, I thrilled to be given the chance to do a photo shoot (my FIRST!) for our dear little friend, Emily.  She was about to turn 6 and I hoped it would be a nice gift for her (and her Mama) to primp up and take some photos.  It was sure a gift to me… Miss Em was the polar-opposite to the “subjects” I am used to shooting (my dirty little boys) so this was PERFECT.  She was excited, cooperative (yes, Becky, she was!)

This is a bit picture heavy… because I’m so happy to share!     Emily1 Emily2 Emily3 Can you believe the one above and the one below are the same girl?? Talk about a GREAT subject!!

Emily4 Emily5 Oh, okay… and the one above and now the one below??  Yup.  Same little girl.  I don’t know what prompted the below capture, but so many words come to mind when I look at it… dreamy.  Gorgeous.  Six?? Hardly six

Emily6 Emily7 I DO know what prompted this one… I told her, “Let’s take one for Gage and Cooper…” and this is the pose she gave me…

Emily8 I shifted position and embraced the challenge of backlighting… my camera was searching for something to catch focus on, and settled on this stalk of hay.  I had to acknowledge its effort, and snap the image… turns out I kinda like it… a lot. 

Emily9 The backlighting gives a total different feel to the photo… hazy, dreamy …

Emily10 Emily11 Above and below are two different edits of the same photo.  I’m still trying to find “my style” and while I typically find myself veering toward clean, classic edits, sometimes, vintage funky ones are in order …

Emily12 I have SO. many. more. photos of this session, but blogger would surely close my account if I posted them ALL. 

So, I’ll leave you with this… our final image of the session…


… but hopefully not our last…

Thanks for the practice, Em (and Becky!)… it was priceless…


Marilee said...

wow!!!! These are great, I love them!

Dianne said...

Boy, her mama better watch out...And Gage better keep a real close eye on her for the next 12 years or so!

Mom said...

Just darling. And wonderful background, foreground, colors, and textures. You have a real gift, sweet girl.


Becky said...

You are so gifted!!!! I LOVE these pictures. Thank you Thank you for taking them! What a treasure. You can borrow my kids anytime for a photo shoot. :)

The Gores said...

Great job!! You definately need an arranged marriage contract.She is beautiful and could you imagine their little curly haired kiddos.

Unknown said...

breathtaking, I looked through the pictures twice. You are a genius. You plus that camera equal awesome. Started watching modern family. Laughed until I cried. Thanks friend for your friendship and love. Love you, Dana

Stephanie said...

These came out great. What an amazing job for your first time! and what a delightful perfect model!

lacey said...

Thank you, everyone, for the kind comments! I had SO much fun doing this and want to do moremoremore!

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