
I am a God-loving, husband-adoring, mybabyboys-hugging, mind-reeling, photo-taking, life-documenting, yummyfood-cooking, garden-planting, country-living girl. Writing about life, with boys, in the sticks...
this is life... with boys... in the country...
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Friday, December 10, 2010

Five on Friday

1.  You HAVE to check this out.  I came across this video on Erin Cobb’s blog and I was in tears.  LOVE it.  If you’re at work, you may want to turn the volume down at first.  THEN, the Spirit may move you to invite others to gather around your desk, and turn up the volume.  LOUD. 


2.  I’m excited that I figured out how to post videos on here!  I’d better figure out how to take video on my camera before Kaden starts walking, so I can share THAT video on here. 

3.  This may be the third time I’ve been pictured on this blog… see me?  In the ornaments?  These would be WAY better if I was starting with a non-scratched ornament, but those are in short supply (meaning we have none) in our house.  Dec-08-2010_7171

(This photo was ALL Gage’s idea.  He’s coming around to be quite the poser!)


4.  THANK YOU, Kristin, for pointing out the typo I made in my Dipped Gingerbread cookie recipe from the other day.  It is one and a half cups of vegetable oil… not 1/12.  That would have been interesting, though.  The typo has been fixed and I hope you’ll try out that recipe. 

5.  You may be noticing more watermarks appearing on my photos.  Its not necessarily because I deem that particular photo amazing and worry that someone will copy/steal it. But the sad truth is, that people aren’t always looking for a technically great photo to steal… they are looking for a photo of a little kid showing some skin.  Well, in case you haven’t noticed, my kids prefer their undies to any other clothing.  I could decide to not share those images, but let’s be honest… you’d never see photos of my kids, OR I’d have some serious battles getting them clothed each day.

So, if skin is showing, its getting watermarked. 

Because unless you’re given permission to take a photo from a blog/site, it is illegal.  You’ll notice that if you right-click an image on my site, it reminds of this copyright. 

And it is ALWAYS illegal to post those pictures as your own or to alter them in anyway.  Believe it or not, some people do this, and it sicks me out.  Just, FYI. 

6.  I can’t leave it on that note… so, here’s my sweet-boy Tado. 

Dec-08-2010_7075final  Have a delightful weekend! 


Stephanie said...

Hi Lacey - That video teared me right up too!
Can you tell me how you blocked your photos from right click? I've been trying to figure it out forever! And those last 2 pics of the boys? Oh my gosh the cuteness! Love them!

Mom said...

Very sweet photos. Thank you for the watermark explanation...I was wondering. Also, with the UTube link, I did what you suggested, and it worked. (Starting it and then pausing it...thereby letting it load 3/4 the way, and then playing it.) Yes, I was in tears too.


Sugarplum Creations Blog said...

I loved that video! And as always the beautiful pics of your precious boys. I had right click protected photos on my blog, but then removed it because I was finding that even when I was logged in to my account, *I* couldn't copy an image of my own {not even just photos, but say, my blog buttons}, it was driving me nuts! Maybe there's an easier way?

Melissa said...

Amen! If only we had loud speakers thoughout the world that would play that song for all to hear and believe! I imagine the angels will sound like that when the gates of Heaven open...one day!!!

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