Christmas-time used to seem like such a busy time of year. It wasn’t long ago that it meant cramming for college finals, spending nights studying and days testing. And then rushing home for 2 weeks full of catching up with friends and having family holiday celebrations. Fast forward … gosh, 8 years??… to now, and time ticks by. From one question of “Can I watch another Dinosaur Train?” to the next “Can I have a snack? (‘No, you just ate lunch 20 minutes ago’) to the next fight to the next round of antibiotics, the day trickles by. We watch the rain and fog fill the vast area that, during the summer months, is these boys’ playground. I know I should embrace this slow paced life God has blessed us with because as everyone reminds me, someday I’ll look back on them and wonder how time could have gone by so fast.
But, I sort of live in the now, and right now, life is about surviving minute by minute. Filling our days with as much guidance, love, and entertainment as possible, to keep us sane.
After a month of being homebound, due to illnesses, we’re getting cabin fever. And because I’m determined to keep these boys healthy for Christmas we may just remain homebound until December 26. So you’ll be seeing lots of photos of what life is like in our home, when there is nothing else to do, but get creative…
(This boy’s never too far from his brothers, even if it means hiding out under the table while they paint.)
Well, when the fighting and bickering gets to be too much, I don’t object when Cooper wants to spend 45 minutes in the snack cupboard. Except that after about 5 minutes of him being in there, Gage began pestering him to get out, so he could have HIS turn. I was temped to clean out my baking cupboard and let him hide-away too…
Instead, he figured he’d make a purse bag out of an instant oatmeal box. Gotta love his resourcefulness.
Undoubtedly, more to come!
Great photos. I love feeling like I'm there enjoying their everyday life. Looks like Kaden is taking after Cooper in his "lack of attire"! ...sweet, soft, little bodies :)
XOXOXO to GCK from Grammie.
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