
I am a God-loving, husband-adoring, mybabyboys-hugging, mind-reeling, photo-taking, life-documenting, yummyfood-cooking, garden-planting, country-living girl. Writing about life, with boys, in the sticks...
this is life... with boys... in the country...
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Thursday, December 23, 2010

Salt Dough Ornaments and Internet Friends

Random title, but I’m lacking creativity and running on E after shopping most of the day… poor me.  :)  Today was a WONDERFUL girls’ day and I’m thinking a new Christmas (shoot, monthly!) tradition was born… perusing the shops at Monticello’s in Portland.  Thanks for the perfect time, Meliss (and Ellie), although I still can’t stop thinking about the chalkboard and scale…

Anywho – back to my odd sounding title.  Through the internet (particularly Clickin’ Moms), I’ve formed friendships with women across the country.  We find each other through our common interests and friendships start because we can relate.  Remember how fun it was to have a pen-pal when you were young?  Its like that, but better!

Marie is one such gal… she has 3 boys as well, although her youngest two (Kaden’s age) are twins! We chat about motherhood, our kiddos and photography and enjoy relating (often empathetically!) to each other’s experiences. In a recent email she told me about making Salt Dough Ornaments with her 3-year-old and of course, sparked the idea in me to do this with my boys, too.  How excited were they to work on their own project in the kitchen?  Completely. 

Such simple ingredients…    Dec-16-2010_7500

Rolling out the dough…


Cutting out the shapes…


Carefully picking them out…


Two hours of baking…


Playing with the left over dough…


I’m not sure…


And of course, painting them…


Sometimes, most of the time my brain is missing its ability to think up fun, creative, meaningful things for my kids to do.  I’m not shy to admit that and to give credit to those Mamas who DO come up with these ideas!  It is yet another reason to be very thankful for ‘Mom’ friends.  It’s like we’re a team and when we put our minds together we can do pretty cool things… and best of all, our kiddos really benefit!

(Don’t worry, I’ll get back to Tado tomorrow.)


Heidi said...

This is great! I need to do this too, lol!

Dianne said...

LOVE the bokeh in your pics :0)

Mom said...

Imagine my surprise to see Cooper squatting on the counter rolling out the dough. No, not the fact that he was ON the counter, it's that he had jeans and a t-shirt on! That just didn't seem quite right. But then the ornament-painting photo appeared and so did the real Tupu.....without the jeans and t-shirt!! What a funny little boy.

As usual, Gage is focused...and dressed!

XOXO to Gage & Cooper from Grammie

Melissa said...

I had a perfect time yesterday too! (minus the scamming part...oh well) We definetly need to go out more often :-) The ornaments look great, I am mostly impressed that Cooper had clothes on too, I love that kid:-)

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