
I am a God-loving, husband-adoring, mybabyboys-hugging, mind-reeling, photo-taking, life-documenting, yummyfood-cooking, garden-planting, country-living girl. Writing about life, with boys, in the sticks...
this is life... with boys... in the country...
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Friday, August 27, 2010

New Discoveries for Kaden…

While at Grammie and Papa’s, Kaden hit a few milestones and made a few discoveries. 

First off, he popped through his first tooth – FINALLY. I haven’t gotten a picture of the little bitty thing yet, because his tongue is always messing with it…

The first night we were there, he discovered that if he cried for long enough in his bed, eventually Grammie would rock him to sleep in the hammock… 08-16-10_Grammie&Papas_079208-16-10_Grammie&Papas_079308-16-10_Grammie&Papas_0795  He also got to join the ranks of the dozens of babies who have eaten in this high chair… and he discovered that sitting backwards in it is much more entertaining than sitting forwards.


And better yet… trying to climb out of it…


As you see in both the picture above and the one below, he also discovered that he enjoys the taste of old wooden furniture… 

08-17-10_Grammie&Papas_Edsh … but NOT the taste of cooked carrots…

08-18-10_Grammie&Papas_0731 And a few more foods that he discovered (thank you Papa) that he LOVES are:


08-18-10_Grammie&Papas_0734 08-18-10_Grammie&Papas_0735 08-18-10_Grammie&Papas_0736Cherrios (by the handful).

Whipped Cream.

Corn on the Cob.

Chicken bones…


He also rediscovered his Grammie’s talent for quilt making… she threw together this one make out of 1930s fabric and we love it…

08-20-10_Grammie&Papas_0660 Lastly, he discovered taking baths in the kitchen sink… while sitting.  I was too distracted by keeping him from climbing into the other side of the sink to get a picture… but trust me, he would have spent all of his time in there… 

And if he had a chicken bone to gnaw on, all the better.   


Dianne said...

It was your dad who gave my first baby a chicken bone as well...He was quiet for hours!

Anonymous said...

Love the second pickle shot! Too cute, I have never thought to give E a pickle...so cute!

Stephanie said...

He is sooo cute!

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