1. Guess who’s here??
My mom surprised us by coming down yesterday! You should have seen the look on Cooper’s face when she popped out from around the corner! Priceless!
2. Kaden is thinking the stairs are the place to be lately. He heads toward them, and as soon as he knows we’re on to him, he crawls faster and starts laughing.
3. I received proofs of a logo designs for my future photography business. I have a ways to go until I am where I want to be with photography, but I have learned that “branding” myself is an important early step to take. I am working with Annie of Annie Bananie Design and she is so sweet to put up with all my questions, concerns and visions. And she’s patient, which is exactly what I need.
4. Do your kids like to spend time in laundry baskets? Mine do.
5. Last Sunday we were woken at 4:30am by Bosley (our golden retriever) barking. I was thankful for the wake-up call and got up to work in my scrapbook room. His persistent barking didn’t, therefore bother me (and I couldn’t really hear it over my lovely little space-heater) but after several attempts to shush him through the window Matt headed outside to rectify the situation at 6:30. Oh, I just realized I was about to put this on the internet… and I’m not sure I should. Sometimes I forget that I’m not just writing to myself. OOh… and I just realized I made it sound like Matt was “taking care” of Bosley. No, but he did make a country-boy decision about how to make the barking stop. And then left the evidence of that decision right by where I was holding a shoot the next day. Nice.
Confused?? Haha. Me too. It was actually a pretty funny story but I suppose I’m still getting a feel for what’s okay to post and what’s not. :)
6. (An bonus!) Gager’s slowly getting well. He’s mostly bummed this means we won’t be going to church on Sunday. Bless his little heart. He’s still got quite a cough and every time I tell him to go get a cough drop Cooper’s eyes light up, he lets out his best attempt at an impromptu cough, and then looks right at me. So far, I’ve caved and let him have cough-drops, too. Is that bad??
Have a great weekend!
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