
I am a God-loving, husband-adoring, mybabyboys-hugging, mind-reeling, photo-taking, life-documenting, yummyfood-cooking, garden-planting, country-living girl. Writing about life, with boys, in the sticks...
this is life... with boys... in the country...
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Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Fathers’ Day

I’m in my scrapbook room composing this post while Matt is out entertaining the boys (okay, he’s watching the World Cup with them)… I’m of the mindset that on Mother’s and Father’s day, mom and dad should be able to do whatever they want to do on their respective day.  For Matt, he’d probably really like to be out working on his current bow project but Gage has decided that since it is father’s day, they need to be together all day long

And Gage is pretending he’s a police officer today and for some reason decided I was bad and  so he put me in jail… lucky for me, my scrapbook room is the make-shift jail. 

Hence, me in here, and non-criminal Dad, out there.


Anywho.  If you know me, you know that I’m pretty fond of my husband, the father of my children.  He’s my everything and definitely the better half of this relationship.  Actually, we make a pretty good pair and balance each other out nicely.  He’s really finding his nitch in this thing called “fatherhood” now that our oldest 2 boys are able to participated in the things that Matt finds the most enjoyable… motorcycle riding, playing outside, hiking, shooting their bows and the like. 

And likewise, our boys are finally getting old enough to realize and acknowledge how AWESOME their dad is.  He tells them jokes that they think are hilarious (even though he’s totally just made them up), he tickles them until they pee, and they will ONLY play Simon Says with him.  Anything and everything is about Dad as soon as he gets home from work.  As it should be, in my opinion. 

And that’s another thing about my husband… how he goes to work at 5:30 am and gets home around 4pm, so that I can have my dream job, of a Stay-at-home-mama.  He wouldn’t want to do what I do all day, and I certainly wouldn’t want to be gone all day in the workforce like he is.  Again, we’re a good pair and the balance we have works well for our family.  And when he comes home he’s not absent… he’s active in involvement, discipline and love.  Just as a daddy should be.

Every night we thank our Heavenly Father for the father He gave to our boys… so today is really no different.  “Thankful” doesn’t even begin to describe my gratitude for having this man in our lives.   June-19,-2010-041  June-19,-2010-040


And of course, I have to give a shout-out to my own Daddy… 200 miles away.  I’m sorry I can’t be with him today but I just talked to him on the phone and he was doing what I expected he’d be doing on a day that he’s supposed to be relaxing… he was working to fix something. 

That’s my dad.  Always working.  Always helping.  Always fixing. Always for someone else.  

He’s the ideal Papa to our kids and they think he’s the BEST.  I tend to agree. 

Thru-April-20,-2010-287 (Learning some essentials from Papa, like, how to drawing birds…)


(… and how to use a hand saw.)

Papa and Kaden (Papa and Kaden Max)

Happy Father’s Day, to the men who have taught me what a real man is.  


Dianne said...

What a great tribute to two great men...Well done Lacey!

Shannon Joy said...

What a beautiful post, Lacey!! Sounds like you have some special men in your life!

Mom said...

Very nice, sweetie.

Dad said...

My gifts come from God, my father.
My hope comes from Jesus, my savior.
My guidance comes from the Holy Spirit.
My sins come from satan, my antagonist, but he is nothing. He cannot win.

Daddy Loves You

lacey said...

Amen, Daddy. :) I love you, too.

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