Two things about living in the country… we don’t have the greatest area for little kids to ride their bikes. We have a patio on the back of our house that allows them to ride in tight circles around and around and if they want to mix things up, they can change direction. And it if they are really feeling daring, they can go in opposite directions of each other. And when Gage is just that bored, he’ll do tricks and ride over stuff.
But, they are starting to get a bit stronger and can sort-of ride on the dirt railroad grade and down the slopes of our gravel driveway. And when they get tired of that, they take a seat and visit for about half-an-hour, right on the driveway.
But really, to get a good bike riding experience, sometimes we just have to bite-the-bullet and take them to the small paved patch of driveway, down by the county road…
Matt has to stand here in order to catch Cooper before he careens into the mailboxes, or off into the ditch…
But the other thing about living in the country is something we do have… a hay field that is chalk full of hay that the boys can get lost in…
So on the way back up our driveway from riding on the road, we convinced them to park their bikes and walk through the hay…
Not deterred by the spit bugs, they ran, fell, chased, hid and laughed until the sun (almost) went down…
So while living where we do forces us to lack ample room for easily riding bikes with training-wheels, the country fortunately makes up for that with ample room to run and be free…
Love all of the pictures Lacey...and I cannot tell you how much I love looking at pictures of your boys...they are best friends...I love it!
Sweet pea,
I have several observations:
..You're brave to take photos of bike riders coming toward you!
..I can tell you love your new camera.
..Now, after looking at G&C sweet faces, I'm noticing the lighting and "texture" of the whole photo.
..Kaden can't wait to do what his big brothers are doing.
..You found a day of sunshine.
..I love your blog!!
Thank you to both of you!!
I won't repeat the comments above but "ditto". Are you shooting manual mode?
So cute!
Lacey!!!! These are SO very sweet! What a wonderful memory!!!!
A. Dianne... yes, I mostly shoot in manual, but with shots like this when they were running in and out of the shadows of the trees, I just used AP. I'm so happy you enjoy looking at our blog!
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