
I am a God-loving, husband-adoring, mybabyboys-hugging, mind-reeling, photo-taking, life-documenting, yummyfood-cooking, garden-planting, country-living girl. Writing about life, with boys, in the sticks...
this is life... with boys... in the country...
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Monday, June 14, 2010

Weekend = Sunshine!

With the onset of summer weather this weekend, we spent the vast majority of it outside enjoying it as much as we could between nose-blowing sessions… go figure, we finally get some sun and both Gage and Cooper are sick to the core. If I felt how they look, I’d be down and out.  Not these little men, though… they were determined to make the most of these warm, dry days…

I feel like I need to apologize for all the pictures on this post… I think I took over 300 this weekend, so only posting what I am is quite a feat!

Most of Saturday was spent here – in this little maple tree that Matt’s been contemplating cutting down.  After this weekend, I doubt if it is going anywhere…     


June-12,-2010-032-E June-12,-2010-045-E  June-12,-2010-058-E 

For anyone who’s seen the move Up, Cooper totally reminded me of Russell in the scene where he was trying to climb up the hose to get to the floating house.  Mr. Fredrickson thought for sure with all the grunting and groaning he heard out of Russell, that he’d make it all the way to the top… but no, he was about one foot above Mr. Fredrickson’s head.  That was Cooper.  He was straining and grunting and working so hard, but he’d shift a few inches with each move he’d make, from one branch on his left back to the branch on his right.  He never got more than a foot or so off the ground.   June-12,-2010-064-E 

June-12,-2010-065-E June-12,-2010-069-E Gage on the other hand, proved that he is his daddy’s son, and was quite comfortable climbing and relaxing in the tree, just perched right on a branch.  If I called his name to look at me for a picture, he scolded me and told me I’d mess him up and make him fall if he looked away from what he was doing.  Hmm.  I forgave the sassiness for his concern for safety. 


Ew, that’s Cooper licking the snot from his upper lip. 

And this is how we spent most of Sunday… we couldn’t go to church because the boys were sick, so immediately following breakfast they were outside watching Matt make them this bike ramp… which occupied them for a large part of the day.  Gage sailing over it and Cooper desperately trying to follow.  I was impressed with Cooper’s determination…


…for about 10 minutes.  Then this happened…


… and he ended up laying on the ground for quite a while, while Gage continued with the fun.  june-13-2010-046-E

Kaden blessed us with a 3 hour morning nap, so while G&C napped in the afternoon, he hung out with me.  june-13-2010-065-E

… literally, kickin’ back on the patio, in the sweet warm shade… (he was just begging me to nibble on those toes!)…june-13-2010-069-E

And then KadeyKade got his first taste of our swingset… a ride in Coop’s swing. Only after this experience, I think I can officially call it Kaden’s swing.  He loved every second, exemplified by never crying, some smiling, and almost falling asleep.  That’s baby for love.  

june-13-2010-137-E june-13-2010-163-E

And at the risk of boring you with more bike pictures, I apologize.  But this was just a little snippet of our renegade boys… again, Gage sailed down the hill and Cooper nervously waited for his turn.


He kept telling me that he thought it was going to be dangerous and I let him know it was okay not to go down the hill.  But, being him, he was determined to follow his big brother. 

He stalled by smiling sweetly for the camera, and when he finally went, I didn’t get a picture of him riding, because I was running toward him almost instantly.  His bum slid off the seat and landed on his wheel, which was still moving him down the hill.  Ouch.  He wasn’t a happy boy and neither was his bum.  june-13-2010-222-E And finally our day ended with a little more time on the swing set with dad, “chicken-on-the-bone” from the bbq, a trip for me to pick up some homeschooling stuff, and a walk “to the green gate”. 


And fortunately, with all the sun we had shining down on these toe-heads of ours, none of them got the slightest bit sun-burnt!  (That honor is always saved just for me.)


Mom said...

Sweet girl,
Again, wonderful, wonderful photos. I loved the boys in the trees and Kaden in the swing. Guess we'd better find a big-boy swing for Cooper! I pray the boys' colds get better soon.


Shannon Joy said...

Beautiful!!! Love the snot shot!!! I could wall paper a room with snot shots :). You are rocking that camera, girl!

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