We say we live on “The Hill”… not to be mistaken with that show on MTV with the girl named LC (if you know the show I’m talking about, you’d know how drastically different my life is from her’s).
Anyway, if I had to narrow down the positives of living where we do to just a handful, the community up here on the Hill would be at the center of my grip… I love the people we share our life with. And one particular family up here on the Hill holds a particularly special place in our country-livin’ life.
On Saturday we attended a graduation party for a member of this family; a wonderful girl named Helen, who is one of the sisters of Matt’s longest-time friend, Brian. Brian and his family are more than just friends to him … they are family. And now, they are my family. And my kids’ family.
And though Helen and Brian’s immediate family is large (10 kids!) and is getting larger through marriages and baby-having, it doesn’t stop there. The aunts and uncles and cousins probably make up the bulk population of the small country town in which we live. Okay, that is an exaggeration, but I can say the the BULK of our population knows and has been positively affected by someone in this family.
And that point was very obvious at this graduation party. I was sad when I got home and looked at my pictures, only to realize that I didn’t do this gathering justice. (Lesson learned… take MORE pictures of EVERYTHING and don’t be shy about it).
The house/deck/yard was packed with family, friends, neighbors – all together to celebrate and congregate. I couldn’t walk two steps without bumping into someone who wanted to hear anything and everything about the current happenings in our life. And not just as small talk… it was genuine interest.
It was a true testimony to hospitality and friendship and to why small country livin’ is hard to resist.
Gage and Cooper spent most of their time (after they got over the shock of the sheer number of people surrounding them) on the trampoline and on this little merry-go-round, with Wyatt (Brian’s son) and two of his cousins.
Thankfully, one of Brian’s cousins was sweet enough to spin them around, and around, and around…
Gage and Coop were in seventh heaven with so many kids their age to play with… plus unlimited access to the trampoline…
I left the event in a bit of a tizzy from all the visiting and herding kiddos, and felt a bit melancholy that my family doesn’t live closer for us to share times like this with. I couldn’t help but with that Gage, Cooper and Kaden could be surrounded by siblings, tons of cousins and other extended family. But rather than letting that get me down, I’ll just remain thankful that we are a part of this community… this family on the Hill.
(I also left vowing to be better about taking pictures of anything and everything at events like this!)
The second picture of the kids on the merry-go-round is GREAT...A picture of true happiness!
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