1) If your baby hasn’t pooped in 5 days, don’t dress him in a brand-new, white onesie, until he’s done the deed…
2) If your baby wants to only nap in his swing, just let him… but be sure to strap him in (I know that from experience…)
…because if you don’t, and your baby finds themselves in this position when they are sleeping…
… they will fall out of the swing.
And finally…
3) Just when you really think that the rain will never stop… it does… and the sunshine shines once again…
Oh, adding this, though…
4) Living in Oregon, don’t get too comfortable with the sunshine, because it will rain again, too, as it currently is. Bummer.
You can sure tell the kids play hard...Look at Gage's cute little bum :0)
Oh, my little Kady-Kade. What a sweetie-pie. Thank you so much for bringing such happiness to my day in your words and photos.
I love you.
This makes me laugh :). I agree with you 10000000%!
When my little man was well... littler he would only sleep in his swing. You would think that after him folling out a few times I would of learned. NO. Good thing the little lady does not like her swing:)
You just got to love the weather in the PNW!
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