
I am a God-loving, husband-adoring, mybabyboys-hugging, mind-reeling, photo-taking, life-documenting, yummyfood-cooking, garden-planting, country-living girl. Writing about life, with boys, in the sticks...
this is life... with boys... in the country...
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Saturday, July 24, 2010

BB’s and Water?

What do BB’s and Water have in common?  Guns.  And what else? … my kids.   I promise I don’t set up these activities in order to have ‘boyish’ things to take pictures of. Or to blog about.  Gage just somehow remembered that there was a BB gun hidden in the dining room and wouldn’t let up until he was allowed to shoot it.     guns7

He’s had his Red Ryder BB Gun before he was even born.  How ‘boy’ is that??  His Grandpa purchased it for him the day after the ultrasound told us that the first grandson was on the way…


Cooper insisted he could shoot the ‘BabyGun’ by himself, but given that he couldn’t even call it what it actually was, Matt gave him some assistance. 


The BB Gun shooting was slow going because after every shot, the boys would run up to see the whole the BB made in the target, or to look for the stray BB if it missed the target. Matt and I enjoyed some quiet visiting time while they looked and looked for the bullet the size of Kaden’s baby-toe nail. 

(we gotta take those opportunities when they come)

And then we said ‘Why not?’ when they asked to take their water guns to the pond…


They had some safe, non-destructive fun putting leaves and other tree debris over the whole of the gun and blowing out the water – sending the object flying into the air.  


Its kind of an anti-climactic post when they play safely, and non-destructively… oh well… maybe next time I’ll have photos of one of them falling into the pond while sucking up some water. For entertainment’s sake, one can hope.  


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