
I am a God-loving, husband-adoring, mybabyboys-hugging, mind-reeling, photo-taking, life-documenting, yummyfood-cooking, garden-planting, country-living girl. Writing about life, with boys, in the sticks...
this is life... with boys... in the country...
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Monday, May 31, 2010

From This Weekend…

Like I said on Friday, this was going to be a busy weekend for us (relatively speaking, because we really never do anything). 

On Friday morning, Matt and Gage left for a 3-D bow shoot in Washington and had a BLAST.  Unfortunately I don’t have pictures from their adventure because I wasn’t there, and because Matt only took a film camera… yes, they still develop film.  I can’t wait to get these pictures developed to see what was on the roll, as it has pics from about 7 years ago!  Anyway, they had an awesome time, camping in the car, shooting all day Friday and Saturday, stomping around in the rain with shorts on, hanging out with Papa, Boe, Bart and other bow-shoot regulars.  I think we’ve started something here… Gage is quite addicted to shooting his bow… tonight, he asked me if he could shoot a bird.  I said no. 

Back to this weekend…  My mom got to our house around one and then….. drum roll…

My new camera was delivered!  YEAH!!! 

We spent ALL day Saturday shopping and now Kaden is properly dressed in clothes, rather than sporting his jammies all day.  You’d think I’d have ample clothes for him seeing as he has 2 older brothers, but the seasons are off for their sizes.  But now, he has awesome duds like this little jacket to keep him warm… in JUNE…. 

thru May 31, 2010 287

We finally got a break in the rain Saturday afternoon and Cooper decided it was time to ride down the driveway all the way to the lodge.  With a few stumbles into the hay on the way…

thru May 31, 2010 021Without DootDoo around to show him up, he really played up the ‘big boy’ status.  

thru May 31, 2010 023 thru May 31, 2010 027 thru May 31, 2010 030 And because of this gal, my mom, the rest of our weekend adventures were possible, too…

thru May 31, 2010 079 Matt and Gage concluded their 300 mile round trip outing by pulling back in our driveway at 7pm Saturday night.  Gage was so hyped up from the man trip he could hardly stand it. 

The next 300 mile-round trip started Sunday morning at 9am, as Matt, me and Kaden headed out to Astoria for a wedding Matt was in.  First stop once there… crossing over a wooded pier to get to…

thru May 31, 2010 087 The Rogue Public House.  A welcomed site.  thru May 31, 2010 088 The view from our table one direction…. thru May 31, 2010 090 And the view from our table in the other direction…  I’m not a beer drinker, but I can certainly appreciate how COOL their bottles are.  thru May 31, 2010 104

After I had my first experience with eating Kobe beef, and learning that I don’t like my burgers cooked only Medium Raw, we set out to find the church.  Matt changed in the back of the Pilot and with Kaden asleep, I did this for two hours while the bridal party had their pictures taken…   thru May 31, 2010 116 Actually, I read the owner’s manual for my camera and taking pictures of my feet was only half the fun.  The other was listening to the radio while I waited…. resulting in a dead battery for our car.  So, after a short, sweet, ceremony (during which Kaden was GREAT and hummed the entire time the violinist was playing), we had to borrow jumper cables from some neighbors in order to make it to the reception (well, and home of course…)

thru May 31, 2010 142 Kaden only wanted to cuddle during the reception so I didn’t get to take many photos.  But, I did manage to visit with the photographer, which was cool.  He liked my camera… :)  That made my day (as did the above photo). 

We left the reception around 8 only to find out that the way we came into Astoria was closed, so we had to take a route through SeaSide and along 26W.  SO SCARY.  I would have rather been in labor for those 3 hours than do that drive.  It was dark and rainy and we were so tired.  Thankfully Kaden slept the whole way and THANKFULLY we got home safely around 11:30pm.

And while we were gone, my mom took the boys to the Portland Zoo where Gage realized how TERRIFYING dinosaurs are.  Hopefully I’ll get my hands on some pictures of him hiding behind Grammie in that exhibit. 

thru May 31, 2010 158 These boys missed each other and needed some reconnecting time…

thru May 31, 2010 222 And lets throw in a little learning time… as Gage figured out how to read and write, Cat, Bat, Rat, Sat, Mat.  I told you we had a busy weekend!

thru May 31, 2010 259

These boys missed each other, too, and REALLY needed to get reconnected…   thru May 31, 2010 316 Random, I know…. but this rain is really making my gardens purty!

thru May 31, 2010 318 And Monday night, we had another break in the rain and got right outside after naps.  The boys are loving this new found fun time of riding their bikes down the driveway…

thru May 31, 2010 325 (We still can’t trust Cooper to use his breaks wisely…)

thru May 31, 2010 327 thru May 31, 2010 330 You’d never know it from this face, but Cooper was having a serious attitude problem…. he was back and forth between elated and seriously ticked off. 

They road quite a ways along the road (this was a first) and only had one near tragedy, had Cooper not been wearing his helmet.  He crashed and actually cracked the plastic on it.  Not sure how it happened, considering I was running next to him in an effort to avoid this.  Hmm.  But, anyway, being him, he got right back up and kept riding.  

thru May 31, 2010 341

Wow.  The end. 


Dianne said...

Out helping his kids ride a bike. He's sporting suspender straps and baby carrier straps...Now THAT'S a real man!

lacey said...

Wonderful right? Its too hard for me to take pictures with Kaden in the front pack, so Matt gladly takes over. :)

Mom said...

Yes, it was a wonderfully full weekend. It's fun for me to read and re-read your blog to bring the memories back to life. G&C and I spent five fun-filled hours at the zoo. Cooper was his usual inquisitive self, and Gage surprised me with his fear of the cougar behind a glass enclosure and the gigantic, spitting dinosaurs. Both boys were so much fun. I'm looking forward to our next adventure.

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