
I am a God-loving, husband-adoring, mybabyboys-hugging, mind-reeling, photo-taking, life-documenting, yummyfood-cooking, garden-planting, country-living girl. Writing about life, with boys, in the sticks...
this is life... with boys... in the country...
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Friday, May 7, 2010

Mother's Day - Part 2

Now that I have declared to the world that I have the best mom ever, I'm going to make you all that much more jealous, by letting you in on the 3rd reason I totally appreciate Mother's Day ....

Because I ALSO have the best mother-in-law. Her name is Myrna, and she's truly a gift. I feel so sad for women who have that relationship with their mother-in-law (MIL)... in which they clash, judge, annoy, and overstep into each other's lives. Where visits are tense and conversations forced.

I thank the Lord that I don't have that challenge, because honestly Myrna saves my sanity almost daily... so, while some women's MIL make them crazy, mine holds me back from the edge of looneyville.

I'm not going to lie - I feel a bit spoiled between my mom and my mother-in-law. Like, I can't complain of the perils of motherhood when I have these two ladies who swoop in and save me by caring for, distracting, and entertaining my kids whenever they can. And because they actually want to... I don't even have to ask!

For instance, 2 days ago, Myrna called to see if she could come snuggle Kaden. "Absolutely, c'mon over..." Then while she's there, she asks if Gage and Cooper can come play with her at the Lodge. "Absolutely, twist my arm..." She kept them with her until nap time! I had 2 Kaden naps all by myself and she returned them fed and ready for sleepy time.

And on top of those precious times she gives me, she also calls when she's out and about, asking if I need anything. She is fully willing to pick up my complete Costco list, just because she knows that it'll save me a day out with the kids. And if it weren't for her, I'd probably never get to go get my hair cut.

Myrna lives only a few minutes from us (which is saying something considering where we live,) which I know is one of those gifts God gave to me, KNOWING how crucial it would be. My transition to the country would have been tough, no doubt, if not for her.

I don't want to come across like I appreciate Myrna only for what she does for us ... true: she is INCREDIBLY resourceful - she has anything you could ever need and knowledge of everything and anything and can find anything you'd ever want at Goodwill and knows every phone number by heart that I'm too lazy to look in the phone book for. Also true: she is VERY generous with her time - always there when I need her, often times without me even having to ask. And VERY true: she is the HARDEST working person I know - my grandpa used to call her a "Russian" because she was always "a Rushin' around." I remember 'hearing' his voice in my head saying that when I first met her... she was "a rushin' around" taking care of all the fixings for the gathering we had to honor him after his death...

Anyway, I'm gittin' all sentimental and gushy...

All of those characteristics make her incredible, but like my own mom, I love this woman, my mother-in-law, for HOW SHE LOVES. So completely, generously, devotedly. Selflessly.

She raised an AMAZING son in Matt, and I'm so thankful to have her in my life, so she can help me raise my three boys, too.

Reading with Cooper...

Walking with Gage in Sun River...

sheesh.. I need more pictures with Mimi!
Happy Mother's Day!


Dianne said...

Yes, Lacey I know how you feel to be so fortunate to have a wonderful MIL...Your Grammie was the BEST!

Mom said...

Yes, Myrna (Mimi) is truly amazing. I'm thankful that she is my friend.

Anonymous said...

I totally love my mother in law too. She is great and even though she lives far away (Virginia) we talk often. She is a very wise lady.


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