
I am a God-loving, husband-adoring, mybabyboys-hugging, mind-reeling, photo-taking, life-documenting, yummyfood-cooking, garden-planting, country-living girl. Writing about life, with boys, in the sticks...
this is life... with boys... in the country...
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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

A Simple Walk, Turned Wet…

I’m really starting to appreciate how these boys can turn anything into an entertaining adventure.  We decided to take our evening walk by our friends’ lake the other night – why did I not figure that they’d end up in the water? 

It was interesting watching how this unfolded.  Gage is always the leader, unless the activity involves something daring.  Then Cooper takes the lead.  But not here.  Gage bravely crossed the ‘plank’ and Cooper tentatively followed…   July-11,-2010-031 July-11,-2010-032 

Then he thoughtfully prepared for their next move…July-11,-2010-034Then he asked if he could jump.  Although I didn’t think it was hot enough for a swim and I really wanted to continue on our walk, I said, ‘Sure.’  “Really??”  they asked with pleased enthusiasm.  I looked at Matt and he shrugged his indifference. 

“Yup, if you don’t mind getting wet,” I said.

Evidently, they didn’t mind one bit.July-11,-2010-041July-11,-2010-040

And at first, they’d jump, land on their feet and only the bottom of their shorts were getting wet.  But of course, they had to kick it up a notch and plop their bums down in the water for a seat.

July-11,-2010-049July-11,-2010-066 (I don’t have any idea what he was pointing at, but can’t resist that face!)

Kaden was a bit bothered by the lack of walking … but kept himself busy with stretching.

July-11,-2010-068 We only had 2 near catastrophes that involved Cooper jumping in, losing his footing and slipping under.  Fortunately Matt was only on the shore about 10 feet away and had no problem running in and  grasping him up almost immediately. The second time it all happened so fast that before I knew what was going on the stroller (with Kaden in it) drove into me, nearly knocking my picture-taking-squatting-self into the lake.  Matt had let go of the stroller to jump in after Cooper and let go of the stroller. Phew.  Glad Matt got to Cooper, and glad Kaden ran into me rather than careening into the water. 

Lessons learned… the stroller’s break was engaged and Matt got into the water to catch the boys...

Cooper geared up to jump…      

July-11,-2010-069 …but chickened out and made Gage go first…

July-11,-2010-070 Then he maned-up and leaped into his daddy’s arms.


You never know where adventure lurks when you have little boys.  We gotta be on our toes, ready to react and enjoy…


Mom said...

What great action photos! I love the one with Gage "thoughtfully preparing for their next move." I see Bocefus in the last photo. Did Bosley get to come on the walk? Did Matt play in this lake when he was G&C's age?


Stephanie said...

Great photos Lacey! You really have been nailing your shots, and I love your sweet stories about your 3 little men.

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